Anul/Year 2010.

Obiectiv 1. Studiu teoretic cu privire la importanta si rolul ciupercilor pentru consumul uman

Objective 1. Theoretical study on the importance and role of mushrooms for human consumption

1.1. Gasirea celor mai noi date de literatura privind tehnicile  de cultivare ale speciilor de Pleurotus

1.1. Finding the latest data from the literature on techniques of cultivation of Pleurotus species
1.2 Proprietatilor farmaceutice ale speciilor de Pleurotus

1.2. Pharmaceutical properties of Pleurotus species
1.3 Cultivarea ciupercilor la nivel de bioreactor

1.3. Growing mushrooms at the bioreactor level


Obiectiv 2. Cultivarea tulpinilor de Pleurotus ostreatus la nivel de laborator.

Objective 2. Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus strains at the lab

2.1. Stabilirea tulpinilor cu cea mai buna productivitate la nivel de laborator din stocul de tulpini existent in colectia facultatii

2.1. Setting strains with improved productivity at the laboratory level from the stock of existing strains in the collection of faculty
2.2. Stabilirea sursei de carbon

2.2. Setting carbon source
2.3 Utilizarea de surse de carbon alternative

2.3. The use of alternative carbon sources
2.4 Stabilirea sursei de azot si saruri minerale

2.4. Determination of nitrogen source and mineral salts


Anul/Year 2011.

Obiectiv 1. Stabilirea conditiilor de fermentatie.

Objective 1. Determination of fermentation conditions
1.1. Determinarea influentei temperaturii asupra productiei de biomasa din Pleurotus ostreatus

1.1. Determine the influence of temperature on biomass production in Pleurotus ostreatus
1.2 Determinarea influentei pH asupra productiei de biomasa din Pleurotus ostreatus

1.2. Determine the influence of  pH on biomass production in Pleurotus ostreatus

Obiectiv 2. Identificare tulpinilor alese pentru obtinerea de biomasa

Objective 2. Identification of strains chosen to obtain biomass
2.1. Identificarea tulpinilor prin tehnici conventionale

2.1. Identification of strains by conventional techniques
2.2. Identificarea prin tehnici de biologie moleculara

2.2. Identification of molecular biology techniques

Obiectiv 3. Cultivarea tulpinilor la nivel de bioreactor.

Objective 3. Growing strains at the bioreactor level
3.1. Stabilirea conditiilor de cultivare la nivel de bioreactor

3.1. Setting conditions for cultivation at bioreactor level
3.2. Stabilirea fluxului tehnologic de obtinere a biomaselor de Pleurotus ostreatus

3.2. Establish technology for obtaining biomass flow of Pleurotus ostreatus
3.3. Evidentierea sintezei de exopolizaharide la nivel de bioreactor si izolarea acestora

3.3. Pointing at exopolizaharide synthesis bioreactor and their isolation


Anul/Year 2012.

1. Obtinerea biomasei liofilizate de Pleurotus obtinuta prin cultivare in bioreactor.

1. Getting lyophilized biomass of Pleurotus obtained by cultivation in bioreactor.
1.1. Separea biomasei de Pleurotus ostreatus

1.1. Separate biomass of Pleurotus
1.2 Liofilizarea biomasei in diferite medii crioprotectoare

1.2. Lyophilization biomass in various environments cryoprotectant
1.3 Analiza fizico-chimica si microbiologica a liofilizatelor obtinute.

1.3. Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of liofilizatelor obtained

2. Obtinerea extractelor din biomasa de Pleurotus ostreatus.

2. Obtain extracts of biomass of Pleurotus ostreatus
2.1. Realizarea de extracte cu extractorul in pat fluidizat

2.1. Making extracts with fluid bed extractor
2.2. Realizarea de extracte cu diferiti solventi

2.2. Making extracts with different solvents
2.3 Analiza activitatii antioxidante a extractelor obtinute

2.3. Analysis of antioxidant activity of extracts obtained
2.4 Determinarea puterii de reducere

2.4. Determination of the reduction power
2.5 Determinarea capacității de legare a diferitilor specii de radicali liberi

2.5. Determination of the scavenging activity of various species of free radicals


Anul/Year 2013.

1. Evidentierea efectului antimicrobian al extractului din Pleurotus ostreatus.

1. Highlight the effect of the antimicrobial extract of Pleurotus ostreatus
1.1. Determinarea spectrului de activitate antimicrobiana

1.1. Determination of antimicrobial spectrum of activity

2. Stabilirea unei formule de produs bazat pe biomasa liofilizata de Pleurotus ostreatus

2. Establishing a formula-based product lyophilised biomass Pleurotus ostreatus
2.1. Stabilirea formulei de produs

2.1. Setting product formula
2.2. Analiza fizico-chimica si microbiologica a produsului

2.3. Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of the product

3. Determinarea efectului antioxidant al biomasei liofilizate in conditiile simularii conditiilor intestinale. Brevetare

3. Determination of antioxidant effect of freeze-dried biomass in terms of simulation intestinal conditions. Patent.
3.1. Efectul exercitat de conditiile din stomac si intestin

3.1. Effect exerted by conditions in the stomach and intestine
3.2. Determinarea puterii de reducere in conditiile simulate in vitro

3.2. Determination of the reduction in simulated conditions in vitro
3.3. Realizare brevet

3.3. Patenting.